New ransomware facts will take you deep into the situation, allowing you to identify your risk! #funfacts

Ransomware Protection is here!

For cybercriminals, ransomware has been a huge success, breaking records and wreaking devastation in an unprecedented surge of criminality. Ransomware is omnipresent, from nation-state threat actors to scrappy freelancers working on the dark web, and it's the most destructive risk that many firms face. These ten ransomware facts show how ransomware has grown and evolved into the cybercrime behemoth it is today. After considering all of the facts, it's evident that every company must be on the lookout for ransomware - and our solution for safeguarding your systems and data is simple, quick, and reasonable for everyone.

  • In 2020, 61 percent of enterprises around the world will have experienced a damaging ransomware incident.

  • Demands for ransomware have already increased by more than 40% in 2021.

  • Windows PCs are the target of 85 percent of ransomware assaults.

  • The volume of ransomware threats has increased by 64% year over year, according to IT professionals.

  • In 2020, ransomware affected two out of every five small businesses.

  • In the third quarter of 2020, the average ransomware payment was $233,817.

  • Over the course of 2020, the average ransom demand has climbed by around 40%.

  • In 2020, ransomware accounted for 41% of all cyber insurance claims.

  • Phishing is involved in more than 80% of reported security issues.

  • Every 39 seconds, or 2,244 times every day, hackers launch an attack.

Buckeye Telecom can help. We have a cloud-based security subscription, that will block this nonsense before it comes to you. Lets chat.


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